'This function will return the linear interpolated value for dblFindIndex
' *------------+-----*
' a c b
' 1 3 5
' 10 x 50
' To find x at c the correct syntax would be:
' x = Interpolate(1,10,5,50,3)
' and the answer would be 30
' Passing a value of true for boolExtrapolate will switch on
' extropolation if find index falls outside the bounds of index1
' and index2.
Private Function Interpolate(ByVal dblIndex1 As Double, _
ByVal dblValue1 As Double, ByVal dblIndex2 As Double, _
ByVal dblValue2 As Double, ByVal dblFindIndex As Double, _
Optional boolExtrapolate As Boolean = True) As Double
'Trap ErrorsByVal dblValue1 As Double, ByVal dblIndex2 As Double, _
ByVal dblValue2 As Double, ByVal dblFindIndex As Double, _
Optional boolExtrapolate As Boolean = True) As Double
On Error GoTo Interpolate_Error
Dim dblUpperLimitIndex As Double
Dim dblUpperLimitValue As Double
Dim dblLowerLimitIndex As Double
Dim dblLowerLimitValue As Double
'Main Function
If Not boolExtrapolate Then
'We are not extrapolating so cap the returned values
If dblIndex2 > dblIndex1 Then
dblLowerLimitIndex = dblIndex1
dblUpperLimitIndex = dblIndex2
dblLowerLimitValue = dblValue1
dblUpperLimitValue = dblValue2
dblLowerLimitIndex = dblIndex2
dblUpperLimitIndex = dblIndex1
dblLowerLimitValue = dblValue2
dblUpperLimitValue = dblValue1
End If
If dblFindIndex <= dblLowerLimitIndex Then
'If FindIndex is less than or equal to index1,
'return value will allways be Value1
Interpolate = dblLowerLimitValue
GoTo Interpolate_Exit
ElseIf dblFindIndex >= dblUpperLimitIndex Then
'If FindIndex is greater than or equal to index2,
'return value will allways be Value2
Interpolate = dblUpperLimitValue
GoTo Interpolate_Exit
End If
End If
'Perform the interpolation
Interpolate = dblValue1 + (dblValue2 - dblValue1) * _
(dblFindIndex - dblIndex1) / (dblIndex2 - dblIndex1)
Exit Function
'Error Handling
Dim Error_Location As String
Error_Location = "Interpolate"
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, _
Error_Location & ":" & Err.Number
Interpolate = 0
GoTo Interpolate_Exit
End Function
Om lebih jelas dong tutorialnya..
BalasHapusbutuh banget nih buat TA